I consider myself a somewhat lazy cook; not in a bad way like lacking in effort but in a good way like if there’s a reasonable shortcut to a recipe that doesn’t really compromise the look and taste, that’s me! Like most everyone, time is sometimes hard to find and it’s that cost benefit thing – is it still worth it if it takes me X amount of time longer? (And sometimes the answer is a definite YES!) One of my standard recipe “accelerations” (better than “shortcut”, huh?) is a decent prepared pie crust dough – there’s always a package in my freezer because I always seem to make crostadas. I know, I know…making pie crust dough is simple and you can freeze it as well. And if that’s what you like to do – have at it! But for those of us who don’t always have the fore thought to be so prepared, having someone else do it is the ticket.
First, start with fresh ripe peaches and blueberries…

Combine the fruit in a bowl and gently mix in the cornstarch and orange juice.

In a food processor blend sugar, flour, salt and butter until grainy with large pieces.

Unroll the dough on a parchment covered cookie sheet and spread the fruit.

Fold over the edges and gently drop the topping evenly over the fruit.

Bake at 350 ° for 40-50 minutes. I like it served warm…and just maybe with a little vanilla ice cream on the side…

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