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I’m not a book club person. Not for any particular reason.  I enjoy reading, but just don’t like discussing a book for more than about 20 seconds. However… a cookbook club? Now we’re talking, since cookbooks and recipes I can discuss ad nauseum. My friend Roseann, an amazing cook, is always planning parties and events.  She […]


A Cookbook Club And Marcella Hazan’s Essentials of Italian Cooking

Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking

As much as I love to cook, there’s something about baking that makes my heart sing. Maybe it’s the warming scent of hot dough in the oven that I find so comforting. Perhaps it’s that with baking there’s always plenty for everyone and I enjoy sharing and feeding others. Possibly it’s because I’m a numbers person […]

Books, Dessert, Recipes, Travel

Ciambella all’Arancia (Orange Scented Olive Oil Cake)

Congratulations to the winner of our Cookbook Giveaway – Amy Hunsberger! Courtesy of Chronicle Books and Colman Andrews, Amy will receive an autographed copy of The Country Cooking of Italy. Thanks to everyone for your fabulous comments!  I wonder if Colman Andrews, the internationally acclaimed food, wine and travel writer, ever gets tired of the […]

Books, Main Dish, Recipes, Soup

A Conversation with Colman Andrews on The Country Cooking of Italy and Cookbook Giveaway

The Country Cooking of Italy

No silly, it’s not about that! Extra Virginity, The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil by Tom Mueller is an eye opening book about the olive oil we buy and don’t think twice about.  We know that many foods have a lot of junk in them, but those are processed foods, manufactured by large […]


Extra Virginity

Extra Virginity Book Cover

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